“Currents” is a digital animation, shifting through the uncontrollable time scales along with the locations and eras. The main character gets lost in places, lost in times, and lost in realities. He sinks into the water as descending into the uncontrollable realities, an unstable state of perception in which one seems to be more than oneself, and more than one place at the same time. The sense of instability becomes increasingly visible because of the quickly changing world. We identify multiple realities, such as an individual and his/her avatar on the internet, physical existence and legal existence, objects and its numbers in a bank. The sense of separation between one and oneself is enlarging. For better or worse, the process of constant relocating ourselves produces both anxiety and ecstasy.
Xinyi Zhu
Shanghai Jiaotong University, Visual communication, BFA School of Art Institute of Chicago, Film, video, New media and Animation, MFA Currents, 2018 (Debut film) Randomness and Mind Games, The Arts, Science + Culture Initiative Graduate Collaboration Grants Unity of Opposites, VR show ATS, SAIC, Chicago, USA Two Gundara People’s Connecting Conversation & Legend Says, Seeing Through the Garden, exhibition, Hiketa, Japan Creativity and Collaboration: Revisiting Cybernetic Serendipity, symposium, National Academy of Sciences, Washington DC, USA
Director:Xinyi Zhu
China、United States